Cookie Policy

The website uses some cookies, which may be installed on your device when you browse it.

On this page, we will try to explain what cookies are, which cookies are used by this website, and what they are used for.

Finally, we will explain what to do if you want to avoid cookies being installed on your device or if you want to remove those that have already been installed.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. These files contain information about your browsing activities on the site, such as the pages you have visited, language choices, and display preferences.

Why do cookies concern your privacy?

If cookies are installed on your device, you might wonder why they should concern your privacy. Well... because the information they contain can be read by the website that installed them every time you return to it, and sometimes, even by third-party sites.

In general, cookies do not contain personal information such as your name, email address, or phone number. However, in some cases, cookies can be used to uniquely identify a user or to correlate online browsing activities with the user's personal information.

For example, when you register on our site using Google or Facebook authentication means, these entities can link the information collected through cookies to your account, thus creating a profile of you.

Additionally, cookies can be used in combination with other tracking technologies, such as pixels or tags, to collect more detailed information about your online browsing activity. For example, a website might use cookies to track your browsing activities on that site, but also use pixels to track your browsing activities on different websites.

What are cookies used for?

Cookies can be divided into three broad categories, based on their function:

Technical Cookies

These are used to enable or improve the user's browsing experience. These can be further distinguished into:

  • Strictly necessary, when they are indispensable for the functioning of the website;
  • Functional, when they enable simple interactions and functionalities that allow you to access certain resources of the site;
  • Experience, when they allow improving the quality of the user's experience on the site and enable interactions with platforms, networks, and external content.

Measurement Cookies (a.k.a. Analytics)

These cookies are used to collect aggregate data related to users' navigation on the website. Thanks to the anonymization of the IP address, these tools do not allow the site manager and third parties to identify the user but only to use aggregated data. Consequently, they are assimilated to technical cookies.

Marketing Cookies

Marketing cookies are used to profile users' interests based on their behavior during browsing and send advertising messages in line with their preferences.

For example, if you visit a website that sells clothes, you might see advertisements for similar products on other websites you visit subsequently. This is made possible by marketing cookies.

Third-party Cookies

In addition to their purposes, cookies can also be distinguished between first-party and third-party cookies.

First-party cookies are installed directly by the website you are visiting.

Third-party cookies, on the other hand, come from different websites and are sometimes used to track your browsing activity on multiple websites, in order to collect information about your interests and browsing habits.

Cookies used by

Now that we have explained what cookies are and what types exist, we will illustrate which Khooa services use cookies and for what purposes.

We will also explain how you can prevent their installation and review your preferences at a later time.

Let's start by saying that our site uses cookies belonging to all the categories listed above (technical, measurement, and marketing), both first and third party.

Google Analytics 4 uses the Google Analytics 4 service to monitor website statistics and obtain information such as the number of visitors, their origin, the duration of stay on the site, the most visited pages, etc. These data are stored for two years in aggregate form, without us being able to trace back to the identity of individual users.

The information collected by Google Analytics 4 cookies is transmitted to Google and stored on its servers in the United States or other countries. Google uses this information to evaluate the use of the website by users, compile reports on website activity for site operators, and provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transmit this information to third parties in case of legal obligation. You can consult Google's privacy policy at the following link: To understand how Google Analytics uses cookies, you can refer to this link:

To prevent the possibility of tracing back to users' identities, we have set up the anonymization of IP addresses. This allows us to consider Google Analytics cookies as technical cookies and to install them without your prior consent. However, you can still avoid the installation of these cookies through your browser settings or by following the instructions contained in this link:

_gaGoogle Analytics 42 yearsAnalysis of user behavior and measurement of interactions
_gidGoogle Analytics 424 hoursDifferentiation of visitor users
_gatGoogle Analytics 41 minuteLimiting the rate of data collection
ga* (e.g., _ga_ABCDEF1234)Google Analytics 42 yearsUnique user identification and analysis of behavior across different sites
gac* (e.g., _gac_ABCDEF1234)Google Analytics 490 daysProviding campaign information for site traffic analysis


Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform provided by Google, which may use cookies for various purposes: authenticating users, collecting information on application usage, and customizing advertising based on user preferences.

The use of Firebase may involve the transfer of data to the United States.

To learn how Firebase uses cookies, you can refer to this page:

_sessionGoogle Firebase AuthEnd of sessionUser authentication and maintaining login status during the session
_remember_across_sessionsGoogle Firebase AuthManual logoutKeep the user logged in across different sessions
_sessionIdGoogle Firebase AuthEnd of sessionUnique identification of the current user session, maintaining login status


Stripe is a service that allows us to receive online payments. Stripe uses cookies to:

  • Ensure its services work properly
  • Detect and prevent fraud
  • Understand visitors' use of the site and how users interact with the site
  • Analyze and improve services

The use of Stripe may involve the transfer of data to the United States.

To learn how Stripe uses cookies, you can refer to this page:

__stripe_midStripe1 yearMerchant identification
__stripe_sidStripeSessionUser session identification
cidStripe30 daysCustomer identification
checkout_test_cookieStripeSessionCheck cookie support
mStripe2 yearsCheckout functionality support
private_machine_identifierStripe20 yearsUnique device identification
machine_identifierStripe20 yearsDevice identification
machine_identifier1Stripe20 yearsDevice identification
machine_identifier2Stripe20 yearsDevice identification
machine_identifier3Stripe20 yearsDevice identification
machine_identifier4Stripe20 yearsDevice identification


Our website contains frames with pages from the social network Pinterest.

If you interact with these contents, Pinterest may install cookies on your device, for profiling purposes.

The data acquired by Pinterest may be transferred to the United States.

For more information, you can consult Pinterest's cookie policy at this link:

_pinterest_ct_uaPinterest1 yearDevice identification and user behavior analysis
_pinterest_ct_ua_expPinterest1 yearExpiration of the device identification
_pinterest_ct_rtPinterestSessionRecording of user reference data
_pinterest_ct_rt_expPinterestSessionExpiration of the user reference data
_pinterest_ct_ua_vPinterest1 yearVersion of the device identification cookie
_pinterest_ct_ua_v_expPinterest1 yearExpiration of the device identification cookie version
pinterest_ct_rsPinterest1 yearStatus of the device identification cookie
_pinterest_ct_rs_expPinterest1 yearExpiration of the device identification cookie status
pinterest_ct_srPinterest1 yearValue of the device identification cookie
_pinterest_ct_sr_expPinterest1 yearExpiration of the device identification cookie value

Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is a user tracking system that allows us to monitor your activities on our site and create targeted ads on Facebook.

Through the Facebook Pixel, we can collect information about you, such as the pages you visited, services you purchased, viewed, and so on.

The Facebook Pixel may involve the transfer of data to the United States. For more information about the Facebook Pixel, you can refer to this page:

_fbpFacebook3 monthsConversion tracking and analysis of advertising campaigns
frFacebook3 monthsIdentification of the browser for targeted advertising purposes
trFacebookEnd of sessionTracking of conversions and analysis of advertising campaigns
presenceFacebookEnd of sessionChecking the user's login status on Facebook
c_userFacebook3 monthsUnique identification of the user on Facebook
xsFacebook3 monthsProtection against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks
datrFacebook2 yearsPrevention of security attacks and account protection
sbFacebook2 yearsPrevention of security attacks and account protection
wdFacebook7 daysOptimization of the display of the Facebook window
spinFacebook1 dayPage request counter
actFacebookEnd of sessionTracking of conversions and analysis of advertising campaigns


Our site has buttons that allow you to connect and share content on the social network TikTok. This could involve the installation of cookies by TikTok, including profiling cookies.

The use of TikTok may also involve the transfer of data to China.

To learn more about TikTok's use of cookies, you can refer to this page:

tt_webidTikTok2 yearsUnique user identification
tt_webid_v2TikTok2 yearsVersion of the user identifier
tt_csrf_tokenTikTok1 yearCSRF protection token
tt_sso_sessionTikTokSessionUser authentication session
tt_sharedact_idTikTok2 yearsIdentifier of the shared account
tt_viewerTikTok2 yearsViewer information
tt_vcsidTikTok30 daysVisitor session identifier
tt_installation_idTikTok2 yearsInstallation identifier
tt_tcTikTok30 daysCache configuration information
tt_adidTikTok2 yearsAdvertising identifier
tt_dntTikTok2 yearsDo Not Track signal

Google Ads

Khooa uses Google Ads for online advertising campaigns, conversion tracking, and remarketing activities.

If you have already visited our site, we assume you may be interested in our services. Through the use of profiling cookies, we can track your visit and activities on our site, and then show you our advertisements when you browse the web, even on other sites.

The use of Google Ads may involve a transfer of data to the United States.

You can consult Google's privacy policy at this link:

_gcl_awGoogle Ads3 monthsConversion tracking and attribution of advertising campaigns
_gcl_dcGoogle Ads3 monthsTracking of conversions and attribution of advertising campaigns
_gcl_auGoogle Ads3 monthsTracking of conversions and attribution of advertising campaigns
_gaGoogle Ads2 yearsAnalysis of user behavior and measurement of interactions
_gidGoogle Ads24 hoursDifferentiation of visiting users
_gatGoogle Ads1 minuteLimitation of data collection rate
IDEGoogle Ads1 yearDelivery of targeted and personalized advertising
DSIDGoogle Ads1 yearDelivery of targeted and personalized advertising
ANIDGoogle Ads2 yearsDelivery of targeted and personalized advertising
APISID, HSID, SAPISID, SID, SSIDGoogle Ads1 yearDelivery of targeted and personalized advertising
__Secure-3PAPISIDGoogle Ads1 yearProviding targeted advertising to users through Google services
__Secure-3PSIDGoogle Ads1 yearProviding targeted advertising to users through Google services
__Secure-3PSIDCCGoogle Ads1 yearProviding targeted advertising to users through Google services

Google Tag Manager uses Google Tag Manager.

Google Tag Manager is a tool provided by Google that allows you to easily add, modify, and manage tags (i.e., code snippets) used to collect data on users' activities on the website.

Google Tag Manager does not directly control data collection but provides a tool for tag management on the website. Actual data collection is managed by web analytics scripts, such as Google Analytics, which use cookies to track user activity on the site.

_dc_gtm_UA-*Google Tag Manager10 minutesUsed to control the execution of Google Tag Manager scripts and manage container versions
_gaGoogle Tag Manager2 yearsUsed to distinguish unique users and generate statistical data on website usage
_gidGoogle Tag Manager24 hoursUsed to distinguish unique users and generate statistical data on website usage
gat*Google Tag Manager1 minuteUsed to limit the frequency of requests to the service
gac*Google Tag Manager90 daysUsed to store campaign information for site traffic analysis
_gcl_awGoogle Tag Manager90 daysUsed to track conversions of Google Ads advertising campaigns
_gcl_dcGoogle Tag Manager90 daysUsed to track conversions of Google Ads advertising campaigns


Our website uses Hotjar, behavioral analytics and user feedback software. Hotjar uses various cookies to ensure the operation of its services and to collect information about website users. Hotjar uses functional, analytical, and targeting cookies for different purposes.

To learn more about how Hotjar uses cookies, you can refer to this link:

_hjClosedSurveyInvitesHotjar1 yearUsed to record whether a user has viewed or closed a survey invitation
_hjDonePollsHotjar1 yearUsed to record whether a user has completed a survey
_hjMinimizedPollsHotjar1 yearUsed to record whether a user has completed a survey
_hjShownFeedbackMessageHotjar1 yearUsed to record whether a user has viewed a feedback message
_hjidHotjar1 yearUnique identifier assigned to a user during their first visit to the site
_hjRecordingLastActivityHotjar30 minutesUsed to record the last time a Hotjar recording session was active
_hjTLDTestHotjarEnd of sessionUsed to test the user's cookie support
_hjUserAttributesHotjarEnd of sessionContains custom attributes selected by the user while browsing the site
_hjCachedUserAttributesHotjar1 dayContains cached custom attributes selected by the user while browsing the site
_hjLocalStorageTestHotjarEnd of sessionUsed to check if the user's browser supports local storage
_hjIncludedInPageviewSampleHotjar30 minutesUsed to indicate if the user is included in the data sample used for generating aggregated analysis
_hjIncludedInSessionSampleHotjar30 minutesUsed to indicate if the user is included in the data sample used for generating aggregated analysis

Shopify uses Shopify, an e-commerce platform that uses various cookies to ensure the operation of its service and improve users' experience on online store pages. Shopify uses authentication, preference, analysis, and targeting cookies for different purposes. Additionally, Shopify may use third-party cookies, such as Google Analytics, for website analysis.

For more information on how Shopify uses cookies, you can refer to this page:

_orig_referrerShopifySessionStores the original referral URL
_landing_pageShopifySessionStores the landing page
cart_currencyShopifySessionStores the cart currency
_shopify_countryShopify30 daysStores the user's country
_tracking_consentShopify1 yearStores the user's tracking consent
secure_customer_sigShopify20 yearsUnique identification of the customer
_sShopifySessionUser session identifier
_shopify_sShopifySessionStore session identifier
_shopify_sa_pShopify30 daysNumber of pages visited
_shopify_sa_tShopify30 daysTimestamp of the last visit
_shopify_yShopify1 yearStores the cart ID
_yShopify1 yearStores the cart ID


This site uses Iubenda's services to set the cookie banner and preference panel.

This service, in turn, uses technical cookies, which allow the user's choices regarding cookie installation to be stored.

Iubenda cookies are not used to collect users' personal information and are not shared with third parties.

__iub_cs-_*IubendaSessionData privacy consent management
__iub_cs-_*Iubenda1 yearManagement of consent for the processing of personal data
__iub_cookie-*Iubenda1 yearStores consent to specific cookies
__iub_cs-c-*Iubenda1 yearManagement of consent to specific categories of cookies
__iub_cs-x-*Iubenda1 yearManagement of consent to specific data processing purposes
__iub_s-*IubendaSessionIdentification of the user's session
__iub_cs-creation-*Iubenda1 yearDate of creation of consent
__iub_noconsent-*Iubenda1 yearIndicates the absence of consent
__iub_l-*Iubenda1 yearStores the user's preferred language
__iub_end-*Iubenda1 yearStores the last date the cookie banner was displayed


Accurately identifying third-party cookies installed on our website, knowing exactly how they are used, and how long they remain installed on devices is technically very challenging.

We at Khooa do our best to ensure maximum transparency and, for this reason, want you to be aware that the tables above may not be 100% accurate and that some third-party cookies may have been recently added, modified, or deleted.

How to Use the Cookie Banner

When you land for the first time on any page of the website, a banner will appear containing brief information about cookies and some options to choose from:

  • You can accept all cookies, allowing us to install all types of cookies.
  • You can refuse all cookies, and in this case, we will only install strictly necessary technical cookies. You can customize your choices, accessing a control panel that allows you to accept the installation of some categories of cookies and refuse others.
  • Until you make your choice, will only install technical cookies. If you decide to close the banner without making any choice, only technical cookies will remain installed.

Once you have made your choices, they are saved for 6 months, so you don't have to see the banner every time you return to our site. However, the cookie customization panel will always be available, so you can change your choices at any time. You can access the panel by clicking on the green lock symbol.

However, consider that your cookie choices can be saved in turn through the use of technical cookies. Therefore, if you log in with a different browser or after deleting installed cookies, the banner will appear again.

How to Disable Cookies

If you wish to disable cookies, you can do so by changing your browser settings. Below we provide instructions for the most common browsers:

Google Chrome

  • Open Chrome and click on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner. Select "Settings" and then "Advanced".
  • Under "Privacy and security," select "Site settings".
  • Select "Cookies and site data" and disable the option "Allow sites to save and read cookie data".

Mozilla Firefox

  • Open Firefox and click on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner. Select "Options" and then "Privacy & Security".
  • In the "Cookies and Site Data" section, select "Settings". Disable the option "Allow sites to save and read cookie data".


  • Open Safari and select "Safari" from the menu bar. Select "Preferences" and then "Privacy".
  • In the "Cookies and website data" section, select "Always block".

Microsoft Edge

  • Open Edge and click on the three horizontal lines at the top right. Select "Settings" and then "View all settings".
  • Scroll down to "Cookies" and select "Block all cookies".